Sheltered 2 Wiki

Every shelter has to expand and construct shelter objects in order to survive and meet the needs of the settlers, right clicking upon the Drafting Table enables you to craft objects to bring up that screen.

The drafting table is split up into 4 Tiers of construction, each which must be unlocked through the accomplishments of certain Faction Goals. All objects within Tier 3 require resources of ★★quality and up, and all objects within Tier 4 can only be constructed with resources of ★★★quality. Not all objects are known to the faction at the start of the game, some must be discovered as and added to the drafting table.

Objects recipes locked at the start of the game are marked with an icon in the top right corner of their image to denote their requirement.

Blueprint Blueprint required Church of Hope Church of Hope quest reward Black Roses Black Roses quest reward

Tier 1[]

Object Icon Description Materials Indoors / Outdoors
Bookshelf ObjectBookshelf A solid wooden bookshelf. Holds all books you locate in the world. Those books can then be read from the bookshelf. Some books can be studied to gain experience in Intelligenceintelligence, Charismacharisma and Perceptionperception. 4x Nails

6x Wood

Cot ObjectCot A simple camp bed. It offers just enough comfort to get to sleep. Reduces a character's tiredness at a slow rate. 3x Wool

4x Pipe

Desk Fan ObjectDeskFan Trusty old desk fan. Used to decrease the Temperaturetemperature in a room. Best for small rooms. 1x Metal

1x Motor
1x Wiring
2x Plastic

Dirt Room ObjectDirtRoom The minimum work necessary to carve out a usable space. 4x Wood

1x Cement

Festive String Lights ObjectFestiveStringLights A string of colourful flashing bulbs. Usually seen during festive periods. 3x Bulb

2x Wiring

Festive Tree ObjectFestiveTree A decorative tree used to celebrate the festive season. 3x Bulb

2x Wiring
2x Wood

Incinerator ObjectIncinerator An incinerator which can generate power by burning items and other things. 5x Metal

2x Hinge
2x Pipe
1x Valve

Keg Burner ObjectKegBurner A simple wood burner. Used to increase the Temperaturetemperature in a room. Best for small rooms. 3x Metal Indoors
Lantern ObjectLantern A bare minimum light source. Enough light to work in, but eye strain might be an issue with prolonged use. 5x Metal Shavings

1x Animal Fat

Light Bulb ObjectLightBulb Practical, plain, minimal. A step above a lantern, it provides a decent amount of light, but isn't very pleasing to the eye. 2x Plastic

1x Bulb
1x Wiring

Light Punching Bag ObjectLightPunchingBag A suspended light bag of sand. Punching this will grant Strengthstrength and Fortitudefortitude experience. Recommended Strengthstrength and Fortitudefortitude levels of 1-5.

Has a 90% reduced effect when used outside of recommended levels.

4x Leather

2x Rope
4x Wool
2x Sand

Makeshift Shower ObjectMakeshiftShower A basic shower pieced together out of some old pipes and valves. When in use will reduce a character's dirtiness at a slow rate. 4x Pipe

6x Wood
1x Valve
2x Wool

Makeshift Toilet ObjectMakeshiftToilet A toilet which has been cobbled together to perform the basic function of a toilet. Relieves a character's toilet need. Uses 4 water per use. 6x Wood

2x Wool
1x Bucket
4x Nails

Medicine Cabinet ObjectMedicineCabinet A small wall mounted medical cabinet with a storage capacity of 25. 4x Wood

2x Hinge

Mop & Bucket ObjectMopAndBucket A mop and bucket used to clean up dirt piles such as vomit, crafting debris, or empty food cans. 2x Wood

1x Bucket
1x Wool

Partition Wall ObjectPartitionWall Partition walls are used to divide shelter levels into smaller rooms. This makes it easier to control Temperaturetemperatures and create cold rooms for food storage. Comes fitted with a lockable sliding door. 3x Wood

1x Metal
1x Cement

Poor Grave ObjectPoorGrave A hastily dug grave with a wooden cross. Can be built on the surface and allows dead humans to be buried. Burying a body will avoid family members suffering trauma. This grave will deteriorate over time. 2x Wood

1x Nails

Poor Stove ObjectPoorStove A basic stove complete with a large pot for boiling. Grants access to tier 1 meal crafting. 3x Metal

1x Hinge

Small Crate ObjectSmallCrate A small storage crate capable of holding 250lbs. 4x Wood

4x Nails

Small Pantry ObjectSmallPantry Small pantry storage to store food. Has a weight capacity of 50. Food degradation can be slowed by keeping pantries in cold rooms. 1x Metal

4x Wood
4x Nuts and Bolts

Small Planter ObjectSmallPlanter A small wooden planter with some limestone enriched soil. With this planter you can grow seeds which need to be grown indoors. 6x Wood

6x Nails
1x Limestone

Small Water Butt ObjectSmallWaterButt An airtight plastic water butt which can hold 30 units of water. 4x Plastic

2x Rubber
1x Duct Tape

Snare Trap ObjectSnareTrap A simple snare trap used to capture small animals on the surface of the shelter. Snared animals can be harvested for meat, animal fat or leather. 2x Wood

1x Rope

Stairwell ObjectStairwell A stairwell can be placed above or below a pre-existing stairwell in order to gain access to adjacent floors. Very practical. 4x Wood

2x Metal
2x Hinge
1x Cement

Steel Sink ObjectSteelSink This sink allows faction members to wash their hands - reducing the chances of contracting food poisoning when eating by 50%. Soap can be added to a sink to increase the reduction to 100%. Sinks are used automatically and only when a member's dirtiness level is 50% or higher - as there is no risk of contracting food poisoning when below this level. Requires water to use. Water used is transferred into the Water Purifier as dirty water. 2x Metal

2x Valve
2x Pipe

Surface Planter ObjectSurfacePlanter A small area of limestone enriched soil surrounded by a wooden border. With this planter you can grow your own food on the surface. Seeds required. 4x Wood

4x Nails
1x Limestone

Table and Chair ObjectTableAndChair A wooden table with two wooden chairs. People will automatically eat at a table if there is a free chair when they go to eat. 8x Wood

4x Nails

Treadmill ObjectTreadmill A basic treadmill. Running on this will grant Dexteritydexterity and Fortitudefortitude experience. Recommended Dexteritydexterity and Fortitudefortitude levels of 1-5.

Has a 90% reduced effect when used outside of recommended levels.

3x Metal

2x Rubber
6x Cog
2x Pipe


Tier 2[]

Object Icon Description Materials Indoors / Outdoors
Armoury ObjectArmoury A workshop where you can upgrade and fix weapons. 10x Metal

5x Wiring
5x Nuts and Bolts
5x Switch
2x Motor

Battery Bank
Capable of storing a modest amount of power, the battery bank will store any excess power generated in the shelter which can then be used when required.

Power Draw: 15 KWh
Max Power Stored: 3,000 KWh

20x Battery

10x Wiring

Bed ObjectBed A decent single bed with a metal frame and standard mattress. More comfortable than the camp bed. Reduces a character's tiredness at a moderate rate. 3x Spring

6x Wool
4x Wood
6x Nails

Camping Stove ObjectCampingStove A handy stove, mostly used for outdoor camping. It comes with multiple hobs and pots. Grants access to tier 2 meal crafting. 4x Metal

4x Rubber
2x Valve

Fire Extinguisher ObjectFireExtinguisher A pressurised canister of chemical powders, with a release handle and spray nozzle for aiming the expelled powder. Used to extinguish any objects on fire in the shelter. 2x Pipe

2x Valve

Flashbang Proximity Mine ObjectFlashbangProximityMine
A light and sound emitting device which can be installed inside the shelter to defend against breachers. Manually triggered when a breach is occuring. Will affect all within its influence.

Damage: 0
Special: Causes impaired vision to targets

5x Magnesium

2x Cordite
2x Sensor
1x Metal

Garage ObjectGarage A room which holds vehicles that can be used to explore. Allows you to create vehicles from vehicle chassis you locate in the world. It has room for either two small vehicles or one large one. 6x Cement

3x Limestone
1x Bulb
2x Motor
6x Metal

Gas Proximity Mine ObjectGasProximityMine
A poisonous gas emitting device which can be installed inside the shelter to defend against breachers. Manually triggered when a breach is occuring. Will affect all within its influence.

Damage: 0
Special: Poisons targets

3x Aloe Vera

2x Passion Flower
2x Valve
2x Sensor
1x Metal

Good Grave ObjectGoodGrave A deep grave with a nice headstone. Can be built on the surface and allows dead humans to be buried away. Burying a body in a grave will avoid family members suffering trauma. 2x Cement Outdoors
Good Shower ObjectGoodShower An improved shower consisting of better quality pipes and valves, reducing the amount of wasted water. When in use will reduce a character's dirtiness at a moderate rate. 8x Wood

6x Pipe
2x Valve
4x Wool

Good Toilet ObjectGoodToilet A ceramic toilet with a wooden frame and curtain for modesty. Relieves a character's toilet need. Uses 3 water per use. 8x Wood

4x Wool
1x Bucket
6x Nails

Halogen Heater ObjectHalogenHeater A floor level heater which uses halogen bulbs and has a rotating feature for good heat distribution. Used to increase the Temperaturetemperature in a room. Best for small to medium sized rooms. 2x Metal

1x Sensor
2x Wiring
3x Plastic
3x Bulb

Light Weights ObjectLightWeights A set of light weights, made of heavy metal. Lifting these will grant Strengthstrength and Fortitudefortitude experience. Recommended Strengthstrength and Fortitudefortitude levels of 6-10.

Has a 90% reduced effect when used outside of recommended levels.

5x Metal

4x Rubber

Locker ObjectLocker Used to store clothes and customise characters. 5x Metal

4x Hinge
5x Nuts and Bolts
5x Wool
5x Nylon

Makeshift Laboratory ObjectMakeshiftLaboratory This basic laboratory has everything needed to start researching drug items and to craft medicines. Drugs crafted from the makeshift laboratory will have negative side effects. 4x Wood

4x Glass
2x Metal
2x Nails

Makeshift Recycler ObjectMakeshiftRecycler A machine capable of breaking down items into their base components. More efficient than dismantling items at the workbench. 5x Metal

10x Pipe
5x Valve
5x Transistor
2x Circuit Board

Medium Crate ObjectMediumCrate Two wooden crates used to store items. Increases shelter storage capacity by 650. 6x Wood

6x Nails
2x Hinge

Medium Medicine Cabinet ObjectMediumMedicineCabinet A medium wall mounted medical cabinet with a storage capacity of 50. 8x Wood

4x Hinge

Medium Pantry ObjectMediumPantry Medium pantry storage to store food. Has a weight capacity of 100. Food degradation can be slowed by keeping pantries in cold rooms. 2x Metal

8x Wood
8x Nuts and Bolts

Pedestal Fan ObjectPedestalFan A tall fan with more power than the desk fan. Used to decrease the Temperaturetemperature in a room. Best for small to medium sized rooms. 2x Metal

1x Motor
2x Wiring
4x Plastic
4x Cog

Pendant Light ObjectPendantLight This beautifully crafted pendant light has a braided wire and a ceramic shade. Instantly creates a homely atmosphere and uplifts the room. 10x Metal Shavings

1x Bulb
2x Wiring
2x Plastic

Planter ObjectPlanter A wooden indoor planter containing soil. Capable of growing any seeds which can be grown indoors. 5x Wood

3x Limestone
3x Bulb
5x Nails

Poor Bike ObjectPoorBike A poor exercise bike. Peddling this will grant Dexteritydexterity and Fortitudefortitude experience. Recommended Dexteritydexterity and Fortitudefortitude levels of 6-10.

Has a 90% reduced effect when used outside of recommended levels.

5x Plastic

3x Pipe
4x Rubber
4x Spring

Small Greenhouse ObjectSmallGreenhouse A small, floor level greenhouse. Consists of a wooden frame and thin plastic sheeting. Capable of growing seeds which need to be grown outdoors. 5x Glass

6x Pipe

Spike Trap ObjectSpikeTrap A plate of metal spikes suspended from the ceiling with chains. Can be installed inside the shelter to defend against breachers. Can be triggered manually during a breach. Damage: 15 4x Pipe

4x Cog
2x Lubricant
4x Chain

Stone Room ObjectStoneRoom An upgrade from dirt rooms. Not the prettiest, but certainly easier to keep clean. 3x Cement

3x Limestone

Water Barrels ObjectWaterBarrels Two sealed metal barrels capable of holding 50 units of water. 6x Metal

3x Rubber
1x Duct Tape

Wind Turbine ObjectWindTurbine The wind turbine generates power from the wind. It can be built on the surface of the shelter only.

Max power output: 8 KWh.

10x Wood

5x Nails
3x Circuit Board
5x Wiring
5x Metal


Tier 3[]

Object Icon Description Materials Indoors / Outdoors
CCTV ObjectCCTV A closed-circuit security camera fitted with motion detectors. It will detect movement from a distance, giving you advanced warning of people coming to breach your shelter. Provides a 30 second warning. 1x Motion Detector ★★

10x Pipe ★★
5x Wiring ★★
4x Circuit Board ★★
4x Lens ★★

Ceramic Sink and Mirror ObjectCeramicSinkAndMirror This sink not only allows faction members to wash their hands - reducing the chances of contracting food poisoning when eating by 50% - but also lets them change their hair styles. Soap can be added to a sink to increase the reduction to 100%. Sinks are used automatically and only when a member's dirtiness level is 50% or higher - as there is no risk of contracting food poisoning when below this level. Requires water to use. Water used is transferred into the Water Purifier as dirty water. 2x Valve ★★

4x Pipe ★★
2x Cement ★★
8x Wood ★★
2x Glass ★★

Comfy Bed ObjectComfyBed A sturdy bed with a comfortable mattress that offers a good night's sleep. Reduces a character's tiredness at a good rate. 4x Spring ★★

8x Wood ★★
4x Metal ★★
8x Nuts and Bolts ★★

Convection Heater ObjectConvectionHeater Wall mounted electrical heater. Can put out a good amount of heat. Used to increase the Temperaturetemperature in a room. Best for medium to large sized rooms. 2x Circuit Board ★★

3x Metal ★★
3x Wiring ★★
3x Plastic ★★
3x Sensor ★★

Efficient Planter
An upgraded planter with grow bulbs and a simple irrigation system. Capable of growing seeds which need to be grown indoors. 5x Pipe ★★

6x Wood ★★
4x Bulb ★★
4x Wiring ★★
6x Nails ★★

Efficient Shower ObjectEfficientShower A superior shower which wastes little water. When in use will reduce a character's dirtiness at a good rate. 10x Wood ★★

10x Pipe ★★
4x Valve ★★
4x Hinge ★★

Efficient Toilet ObjectEfficientToilet A ceramic toilet with advanced plumbing to help with water efficiency. Relieves a character's toilet need. Uses 2 water per use. 10x Wood ★★

4x Hinge ★★
1x Bucket ★★
7x Pipe ★★
2x Chain ★★

Electricity Trap
An electricity emitting device which can be installed inside the shelter to defend against breachers. Can be triggered manually during a breach.

Damage: 20
Special: Dazes target

5x Transistor ★★

2x Circuit Board ★★
4x Wiring ★★
5x Metal ★★

Fluorescent Light ObjectFluorescentLight Excellent light source, it brightens a room and then some. Not aesthetically pleasing and prone to random flickering. 1x Metal ★★

3x Bulb ★★
2x Wiring ★★
2x Plastic ★★

Generator ObjectGenerator The generator is designed to convert fuel into electrical power. Requires petrol.

Max power output: 8 KWh.

4x Metal ★★

5x Motor ★★
4x Wiring ★★
2x Bulb ★★

Heavy Punching Bag ObjectHeavyPunchingBag A heavy bag of sand suspended in the air. Punching this will grant Strengthstrength and Fortitudefortitude experience. Recommended Strengthstrength and Fortitudefortitude levels of 11-15.

Has a 90% reduced effect when used outside of recommended levels.

8x Leather ★★

4x Chain ★★
8x Wool ★★
4x Sand ★★

Holding Cell ObjectHoldingCell This holding cell is capable of keeping one person captive. A captive person can be convinced to join your faction, but this will take time. Captives also need to be given food and water. Requires an empty room for placement. 4x Cement ★★

4x Sand ★★
1x Bulb ★★
4x Metal ★★
4x Wood ★★

A state of the art laboratory used for researching drug items. Also used for crafting drugs and medicine items. Drugs crafted from this laboratory will have no side effects. 5x Pipe ★★

4x Valve ★★
10x Metal ★★
10x Plastic ★★
8x Lens ★★

Land Mine ObjectLandMine
A hidden explosive device which detonates when stepped on. Planted on the surface to defend against breachers.Damage: 100-120 6x Cordite ★★

2x Magnesium ★★
2x Switch ★★
1x Metal ★★

Large Greenhouse ObjectLargeGreenhouse A wooden framed greenhouse with shelves and plant pots for growing seeds which need to be grown outside. 12x Glass ★★

4x Hinge ★★
15x Wood ★★

Large Medicine Cabinet ObjectLargeMedicineCabinet A large free standing medical cabinet with a storage capacity of 75. 4x Hinge ★★

5x Metal ★★
6x Glass ★★

Lightning Rod ObjectLightningRod The lightning rod harvests power from lightning strikes. It will then store the power inside any batteries in the shelter.Requires power batteries to harvest and store power. 10x Metal ★★

5x Wiring ★★
3x Circuit Board ★★

Medical Bed
A specialised bed used to perform all manner of medical procedures. Such as autopsies and surgeries. Requires you have a shelter inhabitant with the relevant skills. 5x Metal ★★

10x Pipe ★★
5x Rubber ★★
5x Wiring ★★
5x Sensor ★★

Microwave ObjectMicrowave A device which emits microwaves in a small space to cook food. Grants access to the tier 3 meal crafting. 2x Circuit Board ★★

5x Wiring ★★
2x Hinge ★★
5x Plastic ★★
2x Glass ★★

Military Storage Crate ObjectMilitaryStorageCrate A sturdy, yet corroded storage box. Expands Storage Spacestorage by 1250. 8x Metal ★★

8x Plastic ★★
4x Hinge ★★

Plaster Room ObjectPlasterRoom A smooth, plastered wall ready for a nice coat of paint. Shelter inhabitants can start to feel more at home with coloured walls. 2x Cement ★★

2x Sand ★★
2x Limestone ★★
2x Water ★★

Steep Treadmill ObjectSteepTreadmill An advanced treadmill. Angled to mimic an incline. Running on this will grant Dexteritydexterity and Fortitudefortitude experience. Recommended Dexteritydexterity and Fortitudefortitude levels of 11-15.

Has a 90% reduced effect when used outside of recommended levels.

6x Metal ★★

4x Wiring ★★
6x Rubber ★★
4x Motor ★★
1x Circuit Board ★★

Wall Fan ObjectWallFan A decent large fan attached to the wall on a bracket. Used to decrease the Temperaturetemperature in a room. Best for medium to large sized rooms. 3x Metal ★★

1x Motor ★★
3x Wiring ★★
4x Plastic ★★
6x Cog ★★

Water Tank ObjectWaterTank A plastic water tank reinforced with a metal frame for easy transport. Capable of holding 100 units of water. 10x Plastic ★★

4x Rubber ★★
2x Duct Tape ★★


Tier 4[]

Object Icon Description Materials Indoors / Outdoors
Advanced Indoctrination Cell
The advanced indoctrination cell is a holding cell which allows you to convince captives to join your faction 75% faster. Captives need to be given food and water. Requires an empty room for placement. 4x Cement ★★★

2x Paint Can ★★★
2x Bulb ★★★
4x Metal ★★★
4x Wood ★★★

Advanced Storage Crate ObjectAdvancedStorageCrate An advanced storage crate that automatically recognises how much weight is stored within it. When it's full, the light switches red. Increases Storage Spacestorage by 2000. 10x Metal ★★★

10x Plastic ★★★
1x Motor ★★★
1x Switch ★★★
1x Circuit Board ★★★

Air Conditioner ObjectAirConditioner An air conditioner unit takes in air and cools it before expelling it again. Used to decrease the Temperaturetemperature in a room. Best for large rooms. 5x Metal ★★★

2x Motor ★★★
10x Nuts and Bolts ★★★
4x Sensor ★★★
2x Circuit Board ★★★

Boiler ObjectBoiler A wall mounted boiler with a radiator. The most efficient form of heating for your shelter. Used to increase the Temperaturetemperature in a room. Best for large rooms. 3x Metal ★★★

2x Fuse ★★★
5x Lubricant ★★★
5x Piston ★★★
3x Circuit Board ★★★

A life saving device that can restart someone's heart. Use it to revive any shelter inhabitants that are unconscious. Can only be used once it is fully charged. Drains power as it charges. 15x Battery ★★★

10x Wiring ★★★
10x Fuse ★★★
5x Circuit Breaker ★★★
10x Rubber ★★★

Exercise Bike ObjectExerciseBike An advanced exercise bike. Peddling on this will grant Dexteritydexterity and Fortitudefortitude experience. Recommended Dexteritydexterity and Fortitudefortitude levels of 16-20.

Has a 90% reduced effect when used outside of recommended levels.

10x Metal ★★★

10x Nuts and Bolts ★★★
6x Leather ★★★
5x Lubricant ★★★
4x Piston ★★★

Explosive Proximity Mine ObjectExplosiveProximityMine An explosive device which can be installed inside the shelter to defend against breachers. Manually triggered when a breach is occuring. Will damage all within its damage radius.Damage: 30 8x Cordite ★★★

3x Magnesium ★★★
3x Sensor ★★★
1x Metal ★★★

Heavy Weights ObjectHeavyWeights A set of heavy weights, made of even heavier metal. Lifting these will grant Strengthstrength and Fortitudefortitude experience. Recommended Strengthstrength and Fortitudefortitude levels of 16-20.

Has a 90% reduced effect when used outside of recommended levels.

6x Leather ★★★

15x Metal ★★★
4x Pipe ★★★

Huge Greenhouse ObjectHugeGreenhouse A metal framed greenhouse with glass panes. Excellent for growing seeds which need to be grown outside. 20x Metal ★★★

20x Glass ★★★
4x Hinge ★★★

Huge Medicine Cabinet ObjectHugeMedicineCabinet A huge freestanding medical cabinet with a storage capacity of 100. 6x Hinge ★★★

6x Metal ★★★
10x Glass ★★★

Hydroponic Planter ObjectHydroponicPlanter This hydroponic planter provides the best environment to cultivate crops from seeds which need to be grown inside. 15x Plastic ★★★

6x Limestone ★★★
6x Bulb ★★★
3x Circuit Board ★★★
4x Sensor ★★★

Improved Sentry Turret ObjectSentryTurret
Black Roses
A gun mounted to a rotating frame which fires automatically at anyone who comes within range of its sensors. A surface trap used to defend against breachers. Should be deactivated when friendly visitors arrive.

Ammo Capacity: 75
Damage per bullet: 1-2

1x Rifle ★★★

4x Circuit Board ★★★
4x Motor ★★★
5x Sensor ★★★
10x Metal ★★★

Indoctrination Cell
Church of Hope
The indoctrination cell is a holding cell which allows you to convince captives to join your faction 50% faster. Captives need to be given food and water. Requires an empty room for placement. 4x Cement ★★★

2x Paint Can ★★★
2x Bulb ★★★
4x Metal ★★★
4x Wood ★★★

Industrial Generator
The industrial generator improves upon the original design and is capable of producing more power. Requires petrol.

Max power output: 16 KWh.

10x Metal ★★★

5x Motor ★★★
10x Wiring ★★★
5x Circuit Breaker ★★★
10x Cog ★★★

Large Pantry ObjectLargePantry Large pantry storage to store food. Has a weight capacity of 150. Food degradation can be slowed by keeping pantries in cold rooms. 16x Metal ★★★

12x Wood ★★★
12x Nuts and Bolts ★★★

Large Water Tank ObjectLargeWaterTank A very large water tank with supports struts to help support its weight. Capable of holding 200 units of water. 20x Plastic ★★★

8x Rubber ★★★
4x Duct Tape ★★★

Luxury Shower ObjectLuxuryShower A luxurious shower made of the best parts that can be found. When in use will reduce a character's dirtiness at a fast rate. 15x Glass ★★★

15x Pipe ★★★
8x Valve ★★★

Luxury Toilet ObjectLuxuryToilet A luxurious toilet with excellent plumbing and an easy pull cord flush. Relieves a character's toilet need. Uses 1 water per use. 15x Wood ★★★

4x Hinge ★★★
1x Bucket ★★★
12x Pipe ★★★
2x Chain ★★★

Military Sentry Turret ObjectSentryTurret A gun mounted to a rotating frame which fires automatically at anyone who comes within range of its sensors. A surface trap used to defend against breachers. Should be deactivated when friendly visitors arrive.

Ammo Capacity: 100
Damage per bullet: 2-3

1x Rifle ★★★

4x Circuit Board ★★★
4x Motor ★★★
6x Sensor ★★★
10x Metal ★★★

Oven ObjectOven An oven is capable of reaching very high temperatures in a confined space, allowing you to roast food. Grants access to tier 4 meal crafting. 6x Metal ★★★

6x Wiring ★★★
4x Hinge ★★★
2x Circuit Board ★★★
4x Glass ★★★

Quantum Battery
Capable of storing a large amount of power, the quantum battery will store any excess power generated in the shelter which can then be used when required.

Power Draw: 20 KWh
Max Power Stored: 10,000 KWh

20x Battery ★★★

10x Wiring ★★★
4x Circuit Board ★★★
5x Sensor ★★★
2x Circuit Breaker ★★★

A machine capable of breaking down items into their base components. More efficient than a makeshift recycler or dismantling items at the workbench. 10x Metal ★★★

15x Pipe ★★★
10x Valve ★★★
10x Transistor ★★★
4x Circuit Board ★★★

Sentry Turret ObjectSentryTurret A gun mounted to a rotating frame which fires automatically at anyone who comes within range of its sensors. A surface trap used to defend against breachers. Should be deactivated when friendly visitors arrive.

Ammo Capacity: 50
Damage per bullet: 1-2

1x Rifle ★★★

4x Circuit Board ★★★
4x Motor ★★★
5x Sensor ★★★
10x Metal ★★★

Solar Panel
The solar panel converts light energy into electrical energy. Power generated is dependant upon sunlight levels.

Max output: 12 KWh.

8x Glass ★★★

4x Wiring ★★★
4x Circuit Board ★★★
5x Metal ★★★
3x Silicon ★★★

Spotlights ObjectSpotlights Spotlights can be adjusted to provide light to different areas of a room. Adds an attractive touch to any room. 2x Metal ★★★

2x Wiring ★★★
3x Bulb ★★★
1x Circuit Board ★★★
1x Circuit Breaker ★★★

Stacked Advanced Storage ObjectStackedAdvancedStorage Two advanced storage crates stacked on top of each other. Increase storage by 4000. 20x Metal ★★★

20x Plastic ★★★
2x Motor ★★★
2x Switch ★★★
2x Circuit Board ★★★

Tiled Room ObjectTiledRoom Practical and solid, easy to clean; if a little clinical. Tiled rooms are the easiest to keep clean. 1x Cement ★★★

1x Sand ★★★
4x Limestone ★★★
4x Water ★★★

Ultimate Indoctrination Cell ObjectIndoctrinationCell
Church of Hope
The ultimate indoctrination cell is a holding cell which allows you to convince captives to join your faction 100% faster. Captives need to be given food and water. Requires an empty room for placement. 4x Cement ★★★

2x Paint Can ★★★
2x Bulb ★★★
4x Metal ★★★
4x Wood ★★★
