Sheltered 2 Wiki

Faction members are the lifeblood of any shelter must be cared for in order to being out their best potential.



Leader Creation Screen

The Shelter's leader is your most important character, if they die the faction dies with them and the game is lost. They are also in the same vein the most powerful of all of the settlers because of their Leader Traits, you get to pick some at the start of the game with 5 Trait Points but more points can be found by discovering Floppy Disks while exploring the world to unlock some of the positive traits later on.

NOTE: A floppy disk icon This trait can be unlocked in-game. next to a name means that trait can be unlocked in-game with points gained from floppy disks.

Leader Traits
Positive Traits Negative Traits
Name Points Effect Name Points Effect
Acrobat -3 The leader will start with a guaranteed max dexterity of 20 . Absolute Drainer +1 Conversations with this character provide an instant increase of 5% to tiredness.
Adaptable This trait can be unlocked in-game. -2 Character is 50% less likely to contract mental ailments. Anaemic +1 This character will take 25% extra damage from bleeding.
Attractive This trait can be unlocked in-game. -2 The leader gains relationship points faster with other characters. Armchair Ruler +1 When the leader leaves the shelter, all characters remaining gain a -25 to their mood.
Body Builder -3 The leader will start with a guaranteed max strength of 20 . Asthmatic +1 This character will lose 60 stamina instead of 50 when winded in combat.
Captivating -3 The leader will start with a guaranteed max charisma of 20 . Awkward +1 Starts with a built-in charisma cap of 10 .
Clean Freak This trait can be unlocked in-game. -2 Characters in the shelter have a 25% reduced chance of contracting food poisoning and infections. Bitter +1 One faction will automatically start as 'rival' once discovered.
Deadeye -4 This character deals 25% extra damage with all ranged weapons. Brittle Bones +1 This character is 25% more likely to get a broken limb in combat.
Extra Sensory -3 The leader will start with a guaranteed max perception of 20 . Carnivorous +1 This character will not eat anything but meat, desperate or otherwise.
Fists Of Steel This trait can be unlocked in-game. -4 This character deals 100% more damage with fists. Committed Pugilist +2 This character cannot equip weapons and will only fight with their fists.
Flexible -3 The Leader starts with +3 Dexterity. Dunce +1 Starts with a built-in intelligence cap of 10 .
Genius -3 The leader will start with a guaranteed max intelligence of 20 . Eavesdropper +1 Characters are less likely to have conversations when the leader is present.
Great Swing This trait can be unlocked in-game. -4 This character deals 25% extra damage with all melee weapons. Flimsy +1 Starts with a built-in fortitude cap of 10 .
Hypnotic This trait can be unlocked in-game. -3 All new recruits gain loyalty twice as fast. Frail +1 This character is more likely to gain physical conditions that result from combat.
Idolised This trait can be unlocked in-game. -3 Characters will always gain a positive modifier from conversations with the leader. Horticulturally Hopeless +1 Due to the leader's inability to care for plants, all crops grown in and around the shelter take 100% longer to grow.
Influential -4 One random faction will start as 'trusted' once discovered. Hyper Allergic +1 This character will take 25% extra damage from poison.
Killer Instinct This trait can be unlocked in-game. -7 This character deals 50% extra damage with all weapons. Jumpy +1 This character is 25% more likely to miss a turn when affected by the fear status.
Lucky This trait can be unlocked in-game. -3 A 10% chance that attacks will have no effect on this character. Loner +1 This character will not make friends, all relationships will never rise above 'acquaintance' .
Meat Lover This trait can be unlocked in-game. -2 This character will gain double the sustenance from eating meat and gain a positive mood modifier every time they do so. Neglectful +1 Due to the leader's neglectful nature, objects break down 25% faster.
Observant -3 The leader starts with +3 Perception. Oblivious +1 Starts with a built-in perception cap of 10 .
Perpetual Energy This trait can be unlocked in-game. -4 The leader will never need sleep. Pacifist +3 This character cannot use any offensive moves in combat.
Smart -3 The leader starts with +3 Intelligence. Paranoid +1 Won't gain positive modifiers from conversations with other characters.
Strong -3 The leader starts with +3 Strength. Pathetic Thrower +1 This character is unable to use thrown items in combat.
Strong Foundations -5 The leader will start with double stat points. Poor Eyesight +1 This character is unable to use ranged weapons.
Strong Willed This trait can be unlocked in-game. -3 All negative mood modifiers received by the leader are reduced by half. Repulsive +1 This character is very unsightly. Starts with the 'facial disfigurement' physical condition.
Sturdy -3 The leader starts with +3 Fortitude. Rigid +1 Starts with a built-in dexterity cap of 10 .
Suave -3 The leader starts with +3 Charisma. Thin Skull +1 This character is affected by the dazed status affect for an extra turn.
Super Cardio This trait can be unlocked in-game. -3 Regenerates 2 extra stamina per turn. Vegetarian +1 This character will not eat meat or meals containing meat.
Survival Specialist This trait can be unlocked in-game. -3 Members of the shelter can take an extra 200 rads before contracting radiation poisoning. Also, damage from the poison status effect is restricted to 5 damage per round. Weak +1 Starts with a built-in strength cap of 10 .
Talented -5 The leader will gain double skill points when levelling up. Weak Arms +1 This character is unable to use two handed weapons.
Threat Assessor This trait can be unlocked in-game. -3 Fleeing is guaranteed if the leader's health is less than 60 while in combat. Xenophobic +3 All factions will automatically start as 'rival' once discovered.
Unbreakable -3 The leader will start with a guaranteed max fortitude of 20 ."
Veggie Power This trait can be unlocked in-game. -2 This character will gain double the sustenance from eating vegetables and gain a positive mood modifier every time they do so."

Note - All traits that increase the maximum of a stat, or add points to the stat, cannot be chosen from floppy disk "points" during the game. Some otber traits are also unavailable.

Faction Members[]

Positive Traits[]

Resourceful Higher chance of recovering items when deconstructing
Hygenic Dirtiness increases at a slower rate. Dirtiness increases at a slower rate. This can help in the prevention of sickness and ill health.
Outgoing Increases the amount of conversations had in a day.
Beautiful Positive conversations grant 25% more relationship points.
Quick Learner All experience gained is increased by 10%.
Adipsia Thirst needs increase 25% slower.
Strong Bladder Toilet needs increase 25% slower.
Tidy Doesn't drop litter when eating or crafting.
Small Eater Food rations relieve more hunger.
Deep Sleeper Tiredness stat decreases 25% faster when sleeping.
Hands-on Craft and fix faster.
Optimistic The duration of positive mood modifiers is increased, and negative mood modifiers have a reduced duration.

Negative Traits[]

Each faction member is assigned a random negative trait. These can never be removed.

Unhygenic Dirtiness increases at a faster rate.
Slow Learner
Polydipsia Thirst needs increase 25% faster.
Weak Bladder Toilet needs increase 25% faster.
Messy Drops twice as much litter when eating or crafting.
Big Eater Food rations relieve less hunger.
Light Sleeper Tiredness stat decreases 25% slower when sleeping.


All faction members have different needs to see to of varying importance. A well cared for member will be a happier member and less prone to mental ailments or breakdowns where they act out and disrupt things. Most needs are met by the construction of various shelter objects.

  • Hunger - eat food from a pantry; if you don't eat, you can become malnourished, which causes you to take damage and gives a negative mood (Note: your personal dirtiness level and the dirtiness of the room both contribute to the possibility of getting food poisoning when eating, and the chance is abnormally high)
  • Thirst - drink water from a water storage container; if you don't drink, you can become dehydrated, which causes you to take damage and gives a negative mood
  • Toilet - use any toilet; if you don't, you will cause a mess; you gain a negative mood from being in the "red" for this need
  • Energy - use any bed; if you don't, you will pass out where you are (there is a Fortitude skill that removes this) and the character will refuse to do some tasks, like exercise or read; you gain a -5 mood from being in the "red" for this need
  • Hygiene - use any shower or be above ground (but not on an expedition) in the rain or black rain; if you don't shower you will get food poisoning when you eat; you gain a -5 mood from being in the "red" for this need
  • Oxygen - If the oxygen level of your shelter goes to 0%, all characters inside the shelter will start to suffocate and take damage (they may also try to move to the surface); keep in mind that your oxygen filter is designed to work with a certain number of people in the shelter at a time, and exceeding this number will reduce oxygen: people on expeditions do not count against this number, but prisoners and recruits do
  • Mood - there are dozens of effects that can affect your mood; being in a negative mood for too long will cause a character to develop a random mental ailment (Note: these can be cured with a medical bed - T3 blueprint - and a character with the Therapist skill from the perception tree); there is no known bonus for being in a high positive mood, but it might affect conversations?


There are many ways to increase or decrease your mood. Here are some:

Positive Mood[]

  • Eating a "good" (★★★) meal +20
  • Slept in a bed (T2)
  • Sleeping in a comfy (T3) bed +20
  • Bury a body +75 (this stacks, so each body gives +75)
  • Fulfilled a desire +30
  • Reading a story book

Negative Mood[]

  • Cold (under 15℃ but above 0) -20
  • Hot (above 22℃ and below 26℃) -10
  • Sweltering (above 26℃) -20 (and takes 1 damage every tick)
  • In the dark (less than about 38% light in your room) -10
  • Sleep disturbed (cancel the sleep task before it's finished) -5
  • Healing disturbed (cancel the rest task before it's finished) -5
  • Dirty (hygiene need in red) -5
  • Sleepy (energy need in red) -5
  • Recently killed someone -40 (this gradually goes down each time as your character gets desensitized to killing; knock people out to avoid)


Character Statistics
Strength Strength
Carrying capacity, unarmed damage and which melee weapons can be equipped.
Dexterity Dexterity
Turn priority in combat, chance of blocking or dodging attacks and which ranged weapons can be equipped.
Assumably affects chance to hit in combat.
Intelligence Intelligence
Max integrity of crafted objects and quality of crafted items.
Higher durability items don't have to be repaired as often, higher quality items have higher value.
Charisma Charisma
Chances of successfully recruiting strangers, chances of creating positive relationships, chances of getting cheaper trade deals.
Party leader charisma affects chance of successfully trading during an encounter.
Perception Perception
How many items are located when searching, time given to disarm traps.
Scavenging is one of the most important game mechanics, so this skill is likely important.
Fortitude Fortitude
Max health, radiation resistance, how long an illness lasts.
Possibly also resistance to contracting an illness to begin with.

A character's starting stat also determine their maximum potential stat.

Stat Maximums
Start Max Start Max Start Max
1 10-12 2 12-14 3 14-16
4 16-18 5 18-20 6+ 18-20

This means if you start with a 1 in Strength, your maximum possible strength will be randomly between 10 and 12. You can "experiment" on a character to raise a stat, but this can only happen once per stat per character (and each attempt has a 10% chance to succeed and causes a -30 mood modifier with each attempt).

Each stat also has their own skill tree. Leveling up a stat gains 1 point to spend in the tree. All of a character's starting skill tree points are randomly spent.


There are three ways to add new faction members.

  • You can broadcast that you are recruiting from the radio. This will lead to option 2 more frequently.
  • Occasionally someone will come by your shelter and ask to be taken in. They will act as a normal faction member in all ways except they cannot go on expeditions and they will have a loyalty stat. This will gradually increase over time as you continue to meet their needs.
  • You can subdue a random person or other faction member in combat, and if you have an empty prison, you can (immediately) teleport them to your prison.


To recruit a prisoner, you will first need to build an empty prison cell. This can hold only one prisoner. Each prisoner will have a loyalty stat that gradually increases as they eat, drink, sleep, get comforted, or get interrogated. Once this loyalty stat reaches 100, you can "recruit" the prisoner, which will turn them into a normal faction member (there is no additional waiting period for them to go on expeditions).

You need to keep an eye on whether or not the prisoner needs food or water. To give them more, select an existing faction member and select a pantry or water storage item, and choose to "carry" one of that item. Then, select the prison bars and choose to feed the prisoner or give them water.

Once per day, you can comfort the prisoner for a loyalty boost. It is unknown if any characters are better than any others for this task. You can also choose to interrogate the prisoner. This will cause their loyalty to go up, but it also means they will start with a random mental ailment when they join your faction.

If you no longer want a prisoner, you can set them free, or execute them.

Recruits vs. Prisoners[]


  • Pros: can see what their starting stats are, so you know their maximum potential; you get to determine where their skill points go as they level; are far more productive while gaining loyalty, as they can do any job around the shelter
  • Cons: tend to have lower stats as they never start over 5, which means they will spend a long while leveling; use more water and resources as they will need to shower, use the toilet, and sleep on a bed


  • Pros: can see their current stats which might be very high; don't need to use shelter space to keep around equipment for raising low stats
  • Cons: take a LONG time to gain loyalty, especially at first, with zero benefit to your shelter overall until they are recruited; don't know what their maximum stats are (some may even be reached already); you have no control over how their stats are distributed thus far

Overall: recruits are generally stronger in the long run than prisoners, since 1) you can control where their skill points go, 2) you can use their loyalty-gaining period to spend time boosting their stats, and 3) you have control over what their starting/max stats are, since you can see them and choose what recruits to take in. However, prisoners potentially gain you a more effective faction member much faster, even with the extremely long wait for them to gain loyalty, as they can start with much higher stats. It's also nice to not have to spend shelter space on low-level equipment for training STR and DEX.

Prisoners also may be more prone to gaining mental ailments from negative mood modifiers, but more experimenting needs to be done to verify this.
